You know what it is like to achieve work flow. The time passes quickly, all is lost in what you are doing, and there is a non-stop, smooth-flowing, quickly running process to the system.
Achieving work flow can be quite difficult when distractionsrear their ugly heads, such as an unruly colleague is stirring up trouble in the office or on the jobsite. In fact, if you love doing your work, this flow of your work progress can be quite productive and enjoyable at the same time. It helps you to think of your progress as continual accomplishment, and it helps to understand what hinders and helps this flow.
Flow exists in between anxiety and boredom. There must be enough of a challenge to make it more than boring, and it must not be so challenging that it produces fear or anxiety in the worker. If the level of work is kept safely in between these two treacherous zones, then work flow exhibits quickly and naturally. The idea that you cannot control work flow, but that outside circumstances frequently interrupt, is an absurd one. Work flow is beautiful and smooth and feels really good. Work flow accomplishes more in one hour than other types of work are capable of accomplishing in five or more hours. It is a continuous, nonstop process of work that enables the person to continue to produce services or products without needing, requiring, or even thinking about a break. It is so smooth flowing and enjoyable that people can become addicted to work if they are able to maintain a suitable amount of workflow in between days and projects.
Interruptions to work flow, again, can come from colleagues, employees or managers which are abusing drugs or alcohol. Without onsite drug and alcohol screening, workflow can be irreparably interrupted. Without drug screening, flow can continuously be broken and mixed around so that the person in question cannot concentrate even when they really put forth effort to concentrate. Onsite drug and alcohol screening prepares employees to come to their jobs with clear heads and a willingness to accomplish. Without Alcohol Drug Testing, work can be thought of as a burden upon their day, and that is not useful for them or for you. Call Mediscreen today for more information about Drug Alcohol Testing in Australia.
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