Sunday, September 16, 2012

Technical Malfunctions

Technical malfunctions are so annoying, aren’t they? Computer glitches, software crashes, and a variety of other things regularly screw up your nice even workflow that you’d like to maintain all day long.

Here are some tips to help keep your temper even when technical malfunctions are not even.

Keep backups ready. This means backing up files and it means having back up computer equipment and/or power sources so that you can continue working while your technical problems are being fixed.

Be very warm and appreciative of technical crews. They may have made this their job of choice, but there is nothing more likely to make them work slow than an irritated and frustrated client. Be very warm and appreciative and nice and grateful and helpful. Ask them if there is anything you can get them and, if all else is politely rejected, at least bring them a cup of iced tea.

Be willing to help out. Do not attempt to take control of the situation, but instead tell them that you are their gopher and if they need anything, to just ask you, and then be sure to stand by to help them, just in case. When they are finishing up and after their work is complete, be very appreciative and offer them some more tea. Make their job pleasant and, next time you have an issue, they are far more likely to help you out first, even if you were at the end of the line when you phoned them.

Check their work. Be sure that you will not have to call them back right away, albeit politely. A good way to do this without seeming to be too insulting is to “have them show you what you can do now.” This way, it is appearing as if they are demonstrating something to you, when in fact you both know that you are just checking on their work.

Lastly, make sure that your workplace drug testing program is up to date. Workplace drug testing laws require that every employee of some industries to be tested on a regular basis, no matter what their job is. Mediscreen effectively implements your drug testing equipment to do the greatest good.

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