Monday, December 31, 2012

Achieving Work Flow

You know what it is like to achieve work flow. The time passes quickly, all is lost in what you are doing, and there is a non-stop, smooth-flowing, quickly running process to the system.

Achieving work flow can be quite difficult when distractionsrear their ugly heads, such as an unruly colleague is stirring up trouble in the office or on the jobsite. In fact, if you love doing your work, this flow of your work progress can be quite productive and enjoyable at the same time. It helps you to think of your progress as continual accomplishment, and it helps to understand what hinders and helps this flow.

Flow exists in between anxiety and boredom. There must be enough of a challenge to make it more than boring, and it must not be so challenging that it produces fear or anxiety in the worker. If the level of work is kept safely in between these two treacherous zones, then work flow exhibits quickly and naturally. The idea that you cannot control work flow, but that outside circumstances frequently interrupt, is an absurd one. Work flow is beautiful and smooth and feels really good. Work flow accomplishes more in one hour than other types of work are capable of accomplishing in five or more hours. It is a continuous, nonstop process of work that enables the person to continue to produce services or products without needing, requiring, or even thinking about a break. It is so smooth flowing and enjoyable that people can become addicted to work if they are able to maintain a suitable amount of workflow in between days and projects.

Interruptions to work flow, again, can come from colleagues, employees or managers which are abusing drugs or alcohol. Without onsite drug and alcohol screening, workflow can be irreparably interrupted. Without drug screening, flow can continuously be broken and mixed around so that the person in question cannot concentrate even when they really put forth effort to concentrate. Onsite drug and alcohol screening prepares employees to come to their jobs with clear heads and a willingness to accomplish. Without Alcohol Drug Testing, work can be thought of as a burden upon their day, and that is not useful for them or for you. Call Mediscreen today for more information about Drug Alcohol Testing in Australia.

This article has been taken from

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Roofies and the Ladies

The roofie, or as it is popularly known, the date rape drug, is often slipped into a woman’s drink by her date before it is given to her. For this reason, many women-empowering advice columns, websites, and books advise women to make sure that they see their drinks coming from the bartender to their table all in one go, and that they do not leave their drinks unattended at any time. Less information is available concerning slipping roofies into food, but it is presumed that the same advice applies to this situation, as well.

One of the ways in which women can be protected is through chaperoning. While this is far less used in today’s modern society, not one hundred years ago saw a lady’s reputation ruined who was caught with another man unescorted by a chaperone. Today, women are seen with far more independence than they were once seen, but the rules still apply. As a woman, you must be very careful how you present yourself in public, who you allow to escort you, and whether or not any connections or friends will be there. This is why workplace drug testing is such a valid practice. Alcohol and drug testing provides protection for employees who only wish to show up to work and get the job done well. Employees who abuse drugs or alcohol are far more likely to hurt others, either on purpose or inadvertently. This is, after all, not prison or the streets. 

Professionalism must be maintained, and people are not allowed to take personal affront to a seeming show of disrespect. You must be able to conform to the guidelines prescribed by civilized society.

Onsite drug & alcohol testing allows your employees to not only participate in drug screening and alcohol testing, but it allows them to do so without even having to leave their workplace. This is a true benefit to employees who feel safe at home and at work. It allows them to be tested without ever having to leave the jobsite. And that, my friend, is another added layer of safety.

Let us keep your male and female employees safe and well protected while they work for your company. 

This article has been taken from

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Mixtures of Clay and Spirit

Humans are made of clay and spirit, our highly destructible bodies holding indomitable and surviving spirits. There is a study to human treatment, allowing us to be both dark and light, and to treat and feed our bodies and spirits in different ways. Let us examine how people are able to feed and starve their body and their spirit separately.

If you “feed” your body, then you give it good, tasty food, clear water, and you carefully and lovingly take care of your skin all over, fix and arrange your hair while keeping it healthy, and clothe your body in garments which feel and look good and which allow you to move around and keep your body in fluid motion.

“Starving” your body involves acts like poor nutrition, barely feeding it food which can sustain it, abusing drugs or alcohol, not keeping it in sustained and regulated temperatures, allowing it to get dirty and wear dirty garments. Body starvation also includes other forms of abuse, such as cigarette smoking and sex addiction, not to mention lethargy and over- or under-eating.

To “feed” your spirit, you would engage in hobbies with which you are quite passionate, exercise and challenge your mental acuity and speed, enjoy the great outdoors, travel, and expose yourself to new and spiritually luxurious experiences, such as the fine arts, performing arts, museums, and national parks. You spirit may enjoy animals or reading books or fine dining in your favorite restaurant. Starving your spirit involves self deprecation, self mutilation or cutting, lack of self respect, lack of self care, and anything which pushes your identity and the safety of your identity further away from you, such as drug abuse or alcoholism.
Now do you see why alcohol drug testing is so important?

Employee drug screening is protecting so many different things. Workplace Drug Testing protects employees, their coworkers, their bosses, the company equipment, and clients. Drug testing equipment is designed to help companies evaluate, through onsite drug alcohol testing, which employees are putting others in danger, and which are concerned about protecting all the different types of assets in the company. For more information regarding onsite drug and alcohol screening in Australia, call Mediscreen today.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

D&A Testing Knows No Geographical Boundaries

It is tempting to think that drug and alcohol abuse is the purview of people who either: 1) live in cities and/or are part of the night club and dance party scene, and have enough income to substances of choice, or 2) are addicts living in the streets of Australian cities, stealing and begging to keep an addiction fed. However, any employer that thinks along those lines is only considering part of the picture. There are no geographical boundaries for alcohol and drug abuse, which means workplace drug testing is as important in rural areas as it is in metropolitan locations.

The evidence of substance abuse in rural areas is found in the many studies and reports conducted by news agencies, nonprofit agencies and the government. In April 2012, the news reported that miners working in rural areas were being forced out of their jobs at a rapid rate for several reasons. These reasons included 26 days on the job with 9 days off, family issues and hard drug use. In fact, Australian Mining quoted Doug Heath, Maritime Union of Australia spokesman, as saying, “We’ve seen a massive escalation in the use of hard drugs by workers rather than recreational drugs because they don’t stay in the system as long. We’re not condoning people being under the influence of marijuana, but you’d rather be working with someone who may smoke cannabis as opposed to someone who is off their head on methamphetamine.”1 However, 
when it comes to workplace safety, any drug use is a potential problem.

Living on the Edge

This is a sad commentary on people trying to earn a living, whilst coping with the pressures of long hours and the need to fly in-and-out of rural areas. However, approximately 34 percent of all Australians live in rural and remote areas on a full-time basis, and the statistics concerning drug abuse are alarming. In 2010, approximately 17 percent of the remote population had recently used illicit drugs at the time of a survey. From 2007 to 2010, the percentage of the outer regional population recently using illicit drugs increased from 12.8 percent to 15 percent. The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey 2008 reported that the populations who mostly live in outer regional and remote areas of Australia most commonly used cannabis, amphetamines and pain killers for non-medical purposes.2

It is natural to associate illicit drug use as an activity that mostly the well-to-do or criminals indulge in on a routine basis. Income does come into play because patterns of use are different between city and rural/remote areas. City drug abusers are more likely to use cocaine than rural residents. Not surprisingly, the pharmaceutical drugs are misused more often in many rural areas of states with both rural and city populations. Income and ease of access are two of the important factors influencing which drugs are used most frequently. However, as the report on miners mentioned earlier indicated, there are other equally or more important determinants. They include unemployment, social isolation and stress.

The same types of statistics are reported for alcohol abuse in rural and remote areas. People in rural areas are 32 percent more likely to abuse alcohol than people living in the cities.3 Added to the factors just mentioned, a lack of off-time activities in rural and remote areas influences rates of alcohol abuse.

Testing Needed in Every Location

There are many people who work in rural and remote areas that live in cities, like some of the miners, and many more who live full-time in these outlying areas. Though not limited to these, the typical industries where rural and remote jobs are found include construction, architecture, building services, civil engineering, oil and gas, health services and social services.

Workplace drug testing is critical no matter where the place of work is located in light of the fact that substance abuse is a common problem in every area of the country. Fortunately, there are many drug and alcohol test kit options available today that make it possible to do saliva and urine testing in even the remotest sections of Australia.

Mediscreen ( has trained collectors available Australia wide, including in remote areas. Companies in need of Onsite Drug & Alcohol Testing support services will find Mediscreen is able to fit programs to meet particular workplace needs.

Friday, October 19, 2012

The Scheduling Concerns of NSWMC are Not About Time

All schedules pertain to time, even if it is not obvious at first glance. A good example is the Schedule 1 of listed chemicals that is attached to the Drug Misuse and Trafficking Act 1985 (NSW). Though this is not a time schedule, it certainly has time implications. Statistically speaking, workers using the chemicals or drugs listed on Schedule 1 are normally less productive and have higher rates of taking sick days. The problem is that the Schedule 1 lists specific chemicals by name, and the illicit drug manufacturers have figured out they can make simple formula changes and create chemical compositions that are not on the Schedule 1.

Some progress has been made to make formula changes illegal. In February 2012, the term ‘synthetic cannabinomimetics’ was added to the federal Uniform Scheduling of Medicines and Poisons Schedule 9, which lists prohibited substances. Schedule 9 now includes all known synthetic cannabinoids plus the catch-all term. Laboratory researchers have also developed urine and saliva drug tests that can detect synthetic cannabis like K2, Kronic and Spice.

Temporarily Legal

Several months ago, the CEO of the NSW Minerals Council (NSWMC), Stephen Galilee, submitted a letter to Parliament House to put pressure on legislators to deal with Schedule 1 terminology changes.1 The problem boils down to the fact that illicit drug makers are staying one step ahead of the law in many drug categories.

The NSWMC wants the same approach taken with the NSW Schedule 1 that was used with Schedule 9, to make it easier for employers to manage illicit drug use in the mines. All cannabinoids would be included, and the exceptions would become drugs used for legitimate medicinal or research and training purposes .The NSWMC is right to be alarmed about the many versions of street drugs, and this is an issue that concerns all employers. The NSWMC believes that synthetic drugs should be regulated on a national basis to make it easier to stay ahead of the illegal drug makers through catch-all terminology, rather than trying to regulate illicit drugs on a state-by-state basis.

As long as Schedule 1, Schedule 9 or any other state or federal schedule names specific synthetic drugs, some of the street drugs are temporarily legal until the law catches up with the changes and the drugs get added to the schedules. The street chemists are busy developing new synthetic drugs all the time, and they mimic stimulants and dissociative drugs. The chemists are smart because they can adjust the formula slightly and create a powerful new street drug that is technically legal. The street chemists often begin their efforts by mining chemical composition information from legitimate research reports prepared by laboratories and universities.3

Asking the Right Questions

The new street drugs seem to get more powerful all the time, and that means they get more dangerous. The increasing frequency of psychotic episodes seen amongst drug users is a testament to that fact. The chemical compositions are extremely sophisticated, and the street chemists adjust the formulas as rapidly as the drugs are discovered by the law. Though a catch-all phrase could be added to the laws for all synthetic drugs, there remains a terminology problem. How do you define similar chemical compounds? How close in chemical composition does a drug have to be in order to be considered similar?

These are precisely the types of questions that NSWMC is asking Parliament to consider. In the meantime, employers must diligently continue random workplace drug testing and keep drug and alcohol testing policies relevant. It is easier for an employer than the government to adjust policy terminology to address intolerance for any and all workplace substance abuse – legal or not.

In a world where illicit drugs are manufactured on a routine basis, it is important to use only top quality screening services. Mediscreen at offers state-of-the-art drug and alcohol screening services to a variety of businesses working to maintain drug free workplaces.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Sudden Intolerance for Certain People

So you have been working beside someone for a while now, and you are familiar with their particular levels of tolerance. Now, you must find out what is going on with them, for their levels of tolerance are dropping below normal standards for them. More than likely, something is upsetting them or stressing them out temporarily in their private life, but if this continues, then they may have an overall lower level of tolerance for people.

The ability to see and discern and understand people is what makes people able to grow. We must be able to learn about other people in order to grow ourselves and keep a score of where we are in our lives. Yes, this really is a matter of keeping up with the Jones’ because it is a matter of understanding how your personal development matches up with the development of another. Of course not everyone has the same energy, but most people have the similar patterns of development. If you can compare your own growth with that of another and honestly come out strong, then you are on the right track.

At this point, honesty with yourself is extremely important. After all, if you cannot be honest with yourself, then you cannot truly determine where you are in your own development. Drug screening becomes necessary when employees begin to excuse their lack of keeping up with everyone else, rather than taking responsibility for this fact. Owning your own problems is the sign of an adult. Avoiding them is the sign of a rebellious child. Drug Alcohol Testing and, in truth, all Alcohol Drug Testing, begins to address some of the symptoms of this mentality. Victimhood is a dangerous thing to productivity. Workplace drug testing can bring a certain amount of stability to this, and show you which employees are maintaining their work ethic and which may start making excuses for their lack of production. Drug & Alcohol Testing takes this a step further, and begins to make such responsibility evaluation so much easier than it was in the past. Mediscreen provides onsite drug and alcohol screening for businesses in Australia.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Getting Out While the Getting is Good

We have all heard the moniker about how important timing is. In fact, those of us who have experience with timing understand that it is every bit just as, if not several times more, important as other parts of a plan. Without correct timing, money is wasted, people are hurt or they die, disasters become many times more likely to occur, and success can become a lot more complicated when the best success is easy success.

Getting out while the getting is good is one of the best ways to judge how scared someone is of current volatility. If they mention this phrase, as opposed to quoting actual data which will reveal the difference between real and imagined risk, then they may simply be acting upon their emotional reactions, rather than thoughtfully and cold bloodedly thinking out the facts and considering the energy and sway of this particular situation.

In short, if you cannot think of a logical or gut reason for doing something, then you may be doing it from an emotional reaction or lashing out or back. This is a dangerous place to be in, emotionally, if you are to succeed. Especially with that easy success we mentioned earlier.

Sometimes, companies deal with many lay-offs, employees quitting, unsafe working conditions, and high employee turnover. This is a time of high volatility, and it may cause businesses to make drastic and sudden movements and quick decisions. Instead, think about stabilizing this equilibrium through the use of alcohol drug testing and drug screening. Workplace drug testing bears a certain requirement of the business to take responsibility for the workers it hires, and requirement of the employee to use their job skills and stay away from substances, or lose their position or even their income within the firm. Workplace drug testing laws do not have to be in place for a specific industry in order for these two types of responsibility to be taken.

Mediscreen provides onsite drug and alcohol screening for businesses throughout Australia, which takes this stability a step further than regular laboratory testing. We would love to bear the responsibility of doing business with your company.

Self Accountability

We all must be accountable to ourselves and those of us who aren’t are living a lie. Why is this? Well, to begin with, accountability requires seeing your life and the truth for what it really is, and then having the strength of character for seeing your reality for what it could be in the future. In this manner, you can see where you actually stand without lying to yourself, and you can see where it is possible for you to go if you choose to make different decisions in your life. After all, if you have these two scenarios down, then you are more likely to take control of your life, and do it in a much more aggressive manner. What would you do if you had ultimate control over your life? What would you do if you could make anything happen that you wanted to have happen?

More importantly, would you be able to handle it once you had it?

Ah, therein lies the problem. Most people want more and say that they want more, but they do nothing about it because, deep down inside, they know that they are not willing to change their own behavior to match their new lifestyle. This is a dangerous way to think because it breeds dissatisfaction without actually changing anything around you or, in other words, allowing for a release of your dissatisfaction. You must therefore either allow for the release or stop complaining to yourself. One or both must happen.

Self accountability means that you can take your own life and do with it what you will. When you are severely inhibited by drug abuse and alcoholism the self accountability flies out of the window. Workplace drug testing laws exist to help employees refrain from putting their coworkers in danger when they have low self accountability. It is not even attempted to stop them from abusing substances, but from allowing their actions to affect the actions of others. Alcohol testing is great for temporary drunken behavior, while regular drug screening is great for all other times. Onsite drug & alcohol Testing makes this process much easier. That is why you should call Mediscreen for more information about onsite drug and alcohol testing.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Putting Your Green Foot Forward

Sky Tech Geek has come out with the best and most innovative green business cards, which especially lend a cool touch to an eco friendly company. Putting your best foot forward is important. Many people notice an unusual business card in their collection, especially one that is larger than the rest, made of high quality card stock, and which is innovative in shape, color, or texture. It is important, if you own or work in an eco friendly company, to stay on the modern cutting edge by paying the extra buck for high quality, noticeable, sleek business cards that catch your memory.

The best cards in the collection of Sky Tech Geek include, but are not limited to, football fields, fuzzy material, origami construction, minimalist and understated print design, and many other features which you might consider when deciding on how you will be seen publicly in your absence. Often people keep their business cards together or in a file, and it pays to stand out in such a crowd, especially if you have many competitors in innovative design.

Part of the reason why design is instrumental in business card development is that design shows how modern and how forward thinking a company or an individual is. In fact, more than that, if a company can take the best from both the future and the past, then it is truly standing on a stabile foundation.

Put your green foot forward with eco friendly business cards, which are made from sustainable materials and which offer uniqueness and clarity in its design. Try to avoid making it too busy, unless it is a busy watermark in the background of the card. Even then, avoid more than two shades of colors in any part of the card, since that much color variety can overpower the information displayed thereon.

Envirosafe Solutions seeks to remain innovative, while providing effective chemical solutions to your specific business. Our eco friendly and industrial strength solvents, degreasers, and disinfectants are top of the line. For more information about our chemical solutions products.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Familiar Territory and New Habits

Let’s say that you are planning to implement drug and alcohol testing in your business, and that you are sure that this will change your working environment. What are some things to expect during this time?

How will habits change or familiar territory stay the same?

1. There may be initial protest. Many employees who already have not had to be tested may find it intrusive to be tested at this stage of the game. Be firm, because you want to set a standard that everyone is tested, and no one gets special treatment.

2. Workplace drug testing will temporarily regulate behavior. This will not last, however. Employees may be more conscious of their actions at first, but they will eventually return to their normal behavior. Drug screening is meant to identify policy breakers, not regulate overall behavior. It is not a controlling mechanism.

3. Alcohol testing will become spontaneous. Now that employees receive regularly scheduled testing, they may find ways around this, and you may find yourself needing to give someone a breathalyser test if they show up to work and are behaving wildly. This is something which should be done following company policy exactly, so that you do not leave yourself open to liability.

4. Normalcy will follow in time. After some time, things will return to normal. This is not to say that the spirit of the company won’t change, because it will, but things will settle down and hit a nice steady stride. The higher energy of your quality control will make it all seem worthwhile.

5. You can identify problem individuals. Ultimately, drug and alcohol testing will help you identify problematic or potentially problematic employees, and that will help you to make decisions about what you will do next. After all, without insight and information, how can you hope to make truly informed and wise decisions?

Mediscreen provides onsite drug and alcohol screening throughout Australia, and we service your businesses right on site.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Choosing Unattainable Quality

There are two programs of thought concerning the motto that “your reach should extend beyond your grasp.” In other words, if you reach for the stars you may not hit them, but you will most likely make it to the moon, at the least.

One program of thought is geared toward creating stability in the immediate world around your person, so that you feel safe and that you can grow, instead of always having to spend your energy defending your current territory and your current energy level.

The other program of thought is based upon being comfortable with high risk. This is the thought that you can achieve anything you want, but you must not be afraid of experimentation and getting messy and jumping in with both feet. This program of thought is based upon the assumption that you will increase your gain faster if you pursue it faster and more thoroughly and more tenaciously, and plan what you will do with your new resources later on.

Quality is something which is not only subjective, but high quality can be recognized by many people, although some will see it as “too high” or “fancy” and others will see it as insufficient.

In drug screening and Drug Alcohol Testing, employers must keep in mind that employee opinions about these procedures will always be somewhat controversial, somewhat accepting. It is important to remember that you cannot base your entire thinking about what vocal employees are saying. Perhaps the non-vocal employees are content, rather than dissatisfied and silent. You are the executive. It is your responsibility to protect their working environment. Workplace drug testing can help you to do this. Onsite Drug & Alcohol Testing can bring the quality of your business to previously unattainable heights by identifying employees who bring the collective energy down. We all know what low collective energy can look like. Walk through the slums sometime. It is an energy of basic survival, not one of abundance and carefree safe working conditions.

Workplace drug testing laws originally were created to increase safety in hazardous working conditions, but many non-hazardous industries have adopted drug screening as an extra step up.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Body Detoxification and Drug Screening

Body detoxification is one of the ways in which our bodies throw off excess waste. This is a natural process and should be encouraged, not discouraged. Unfortunately, many people find that waste elimination through any means outside of the bathroom is unnatural. This is not the case, however. Your body eliminates toxins through the skin, through your tears, and even through your hair follicles. The condition of your hair and teeth is a great indicator for how healthy your underlying tissue is.

When drug addicts talk about “detox,” they are more than likely referring to the process which the body undergoes to make waste removed from the cellular system. More than likely, an addict is referring to the elimination of illicit substances from the body, which tends to bring on side effects, including the “shakes,” where the individual shakes all over their body as if they are cold. In fact, some people actually feel cold during the shakes. This is a vibration state which brings about an ability to eliminate drugs which are still sticking to brain cells and vein and arterial walls. This is important to remember because many people who get the shakes do not fully understand that this could even be an allergic reaction and the symptoms may appear the same way.

Drug screening is available to businesses throughout Australia, and Mediscreen provides onsite drug & alcohol testing services. Our job is to provide workplace Alcohol Drug Testing at the place where you work. Mediscreen comes to your business and tests your employees, and then stores your employee records at your place of business. We help to eliminate the laboratory overhead prices which can clog up time and money and company resources. This is the elimination in which we specialize. Onsite drug and alcohol screening takes precedent over regular laboratory testing in many places since it can be so cost effective and time efficient. Alcohol testing can likewise be taken care of quickly.

Body detoxification can bring about many unwanted results, including readings on drug screening tests. This is the time to for sure how your employees really treat your company.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Alcohol Testing and the Charmers

We all have seen the charming drunks and alcoholics who seek to who us into a false sense of security with their pleasing and very personable ways. Some are not well developed and any fool can spot them a mile off. Some are quite cunning but you may have experience in dealing with alcoholics, and so you are still able to spot them, even if they deceive many other people. However, there are a few who cover up their behavior so well that only really close friends and family members are even a ware that they consume more alcohol than the average person. Of course, if those close friends are alcoholics themselves, then this is a lot less apparent to them.

Workplace drug testing is a noble institution which was originally founded to ensure the safety of military personnel, especially regarding use of classified, sensitive or highly specialized equipment. Drug & Alcohol Testing has always been apparent, but drug screening has been more controversial with employees in regular businesses, since some still use the argument of privacy concerns. Even alcohol testing can be eliminated in certain circumstances or with respect to certain people if they are charming and smooth-talking enough. It all has to do with self control.

People who use very little self control are easily identified and unanimously shunned by their community. However, those of us who use plenty of self control, discretion, wisdom, and who seek out more answer so as to build perspective: these people become heroes. So it is possible to have a very alcoholic hero if they are able to verbalize enough common sense to make them temporarily immune in the eyes of the people around them. This is where onsite drug & alcohol testing comes in. It is not even circumstance where they have warning ahead of time before they are tested. Onsite drug and alcohol screening makes it possible to test individual employees at the place where they work and at a convenient low cost. Drug testing equipment can be provided for these operations, and the results certainly make everyone feel better about who they work with, especially if results come back clean on a bad reputation or tainted on a good reputation. Alcohol testing lends a sense of safety because it shows how science can still win over people’s perceptions.

A Fresh Perspective on Youth Culture

Youth culture changes over different time periods, and it is not dependent upon current society. Rather, society is predicted by how the current youth culture defines itself. In ten years, that will be the new norm for adults. Think about it. If you can stay up-to-date on your current youth culture, then you can literally look into the future and see what it will look like. These will be the adults of tomorrow, and people enjoy carrying their youth culture with them into adulthood. This means that, if you can stay on top of how teens are thinking and acting nowadays, then you can plan for the future in a very real way. Now does affect every type of industry? For the most part, yes, it does. However, some industries, such as the employee drug and alcohol testing industry, almost never change because the need for them is always high. Just like other commodities such as petroleum products and mining, drug screening is invaluable and will always be invaluable. In fact, many people cannot even see fluctuations in these kinds of industries, because they are always so much in demand. This means that alcohol and drug testing has a very real use.

Mediscreen provides onsite drug and alcohol screening services for businesses throughout Australia, and we enjoy what we do very much. We know that our services are in demand, but our customers come first and we strive to always live far past their line of expectation. We have a very high quality system down of arriving at your business, drug screening and Alcohol Drug Testing your employees, and observing all workplace drug testing laws. This means that our business system is sound, proven, and very reliable.

Drug and alcohol testing keeps companies solid. This is important when the affect of youth culture on adulthood begins to take its toll and change the overall culture. In fact, workplace drug testing really acts like a stabilizer on changes and volatility and fluctuations in the economy and in society as a whole. For more information about our onsite services.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Wallowing in Misery

Nice, uplifting article title, isn’t it? Yet, we all know people who enjoy wallowing in misery, and we cannot fathom why on earth they would do such things. It seems that they are choosing depression over happiness or misery over love. To normal people, those who wallow are degenerate and weak…when in fact they are merely suffering. It is not merely good enough to grow up in a family with high emotional intelligence. You must have it yourself. If you fail to develop it early on in life, when you were supposed to receive it, then you may find yourself growing up and getting new life experience further and further, having less and less ability to cope with it. Pretty soon, even if you wanted to learn how to grow up as a normal adult, you are still unable to do so, because you cannot tell when the problems first began and you are not sure where exactly they were located. Then, the source of the problem is disguised and distorted and you find yourself even more at a loss as to where to begin dealing with your under-developed past.

Misery loves company, or so they say, but in fact people need to feel that they are not alone in their misery. This is because they need to not feel alone, period. They are not looking to drag anybody else down into the mire with them. They are looking to find someone who is just as unhappy as they are, so that they are reassured that they are not freaks of nature or abnormal in today’s world.

Today, companies do various things to help people feel included in the workplace. They engage in company sports, form creative teams, and treat everyone as an equal as much as possible. What is standard for one person is standard for everyone. This includes workplace drug testing. Onsite drug and alcohol screening is designed specifically to test all employees fairly and equally, so that any aberrations in the testing methods show up across a large cross section of employees, rather than targeting specific individuals. Call Mediscreen today for more information about onsite drug and alcohol screening, and workplace drug testing laws.

Virulent Diseases in the Workplace

Some jobs require direct contact with viruses, such as jobs in hospitals and nursing care clinics, and some are just part of the job, such as virology studies and disease control. Some diseases can be spread through the exchange of bodily fluids, such as the HIV and AIDS viruses, and some diseases are in the mind, such as emotional alcoholism or self cutting and masochism. Whether the focus is to get attention, crave help for suffering, or to just survive another day, people handle different types of virulent diseases in very different ways.

In the workplace, people enjoy talking behind each others’ backs. Office politics are quite common because they are, in essence, enjoyable for the participants. On the jobsite, employees enjoy complaining about how they are being put upon by “the man,” even if they enjoy their job, because it instigates a feeling of camaraderie between them and their coworkers. It is, in essence, a form of bonding.

Disease is not something to just be avoided or to be fearful of. Disease, all disease, which begins in the mental and emotional states, becomes social and physical as time goes on. The trick is to be aware of what disease looks like in others so that you can avoid it, and in yourself so that you can rip it out of yourself.

As far as other diseases and issues go, they are far more likely to occur in substance abusers than in any other people. For that reason, Mediscreen provides onsite drug and alcohol testing for companies throughout Australia which desire to keep their workplaces as healthy as possible, both physically and otherwise. Professionalism demands that employee safety be made top priority at all time. Mediscreen offers drug and alcohol testing on your jobsite or in your place of business, we store your employee testing records at your site, and we take any questionable tests results back to the lab for you. No commute and less money. Workplace drug testing can be as easy as that. Don’t over think it.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Technical Malfunctions

Technical malfunctions are so annoying, aren’t they? Computer glitches, software crashes, and a variety of other things regularly screw up your nice even workflow that you’d like to maintain all day long.

Here are some tips to help keep your temper even when technical malfunctions are not even.

Keep backups ready. This means backing up files and it means having back up computer equipment and/or power sources so that you can continue working while your technical problems are being fixed.

Be very warm and appreciative of technical crews. They may have made this their job of choice, but there is nothing more likely to make them work slow than an irritated and frustrated client. Be very warm and appreciative and nice and grateful and helpful. Ask them if there is anything you can get them and, if all else is politely rejected, at least bring them a cup of iced tea.

Be willing to help out. Do not attempt to take control of the situation, but instead tell them that you are their gopher and if they need anything, to just ask you, and then be sure to stand by to help them, just in case. When they are finishing up and after their work is complete, be very appreciative and offer them some more tea. Make their job pleasant and, next time you have an issue, they are far more likely to help you out first, even if you were at the end of the line when you phoned them.

Check their work. Be sure that you will not have to call them back right away, albeit politely. A good way to do this without seeming to be too insulting is to “have them show you what you can do now.” This way, it is appearing as if they are demonstrating something to you, when in fact you both know that you are just checking on their work.

Lastly, make sure that your workplace drug testing program is up to date. Workplace drug testing laws require that every employee of some industries to be tested on a regular basis, no matter what their job is. Mediscreen effectively implements your drug testing equipment to do the greatest good.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

An Arbitrator’s Edge

In the trading world, arbitration takes a special kind of temperament, along with an enormous amount of control. Stock arbitration, or stock speculation as it is sometimes called, can only be successful if the individual separates their emotion and their livelihood from the transaction process. Also, they need a humongous amount of discernment and self control to keep them from trading during non-moving market fluctuations just for the sake of trading. There are many pretenders, but the real deal in arbitration requires huge amounts of self discipline, self control, and lack of emotional connection. This emotionless state of mind works for many different types of situations.

For example, in the business world when you are implementing employee drug and alcohol testing, it is necessary to not become too bogged down in personal preferences for specific people. You must be able to separate the personal and professional emotional blueprints within yourself. If you are unable to do this, you will be cold and unfeeling in your private life, or warm and doormat-like in your professional life. Many inexperienced managers cannot bring themselves to not “Be their buddy or friend,” but these two jobs are not mutually exclusive. It is possible to engage personally with an employee on a personal level, and to engage professionally with them on a professional level. It is merely a matter of switching between two different types of energy.

Emotions cannot be brought into a professional mindset. Even in the service industry or when seeing to the needs of clientele, it becomes very necessary to leave emotions completely out of the transaction whatsoever. This will not make you cold and unfeeling. It will make you better able to see problems and anticipate needs before they are voiced.

Onsite drug and alcohol screening brings a mindset of professionalism, the unique aspect of the successful arbitrator, to your place of employment. Employee drug screening sets off initial alarm or uncomfortable feelings toward the process, but as the volatile emotions leave and professionalism enters, it cleans up how everyone views alcohol testing. The more professional they are, the more they value the workplace drug testing process.

What Begins in High School Can Stay in the Adult World

High school is notoriously a time of experimentation, and of course students are more likely to experiment in high school than at any other time of their lives. High school is a civilization within a civilization, where students form their own tiny world and their own tiny places in life, and begin to differentiate themselves from their parents in more effective means.

Most teenagers experiment and test out both drugs and alcohol and, while this can be a time of discovery and learning, this can also turn into a bit of codependency. Since high school is a test run of the real world, students are encouraged to try out their social experiments and learn how to make and retain friends and relationships during a time when they will not be held permanently accountable for their actions. If, however, a student finds themselves in a position where they do not wish to grow and learn, drugs and alcohol are quite easily available to them. They can simply cop out and not learn how to deal with life itself. This easy availability of an easy way out becomes even more problematic when the individual reaches adulthood and finds that they not only cannot survive appropriately in the real world, but that they also do not even have the tools which would help them to learn how to survive.

It is at this stage of the game that adults tend to turn in one of two directions. They either turn around and use their developed skills to interact with the real world and step up to each level of learning and become continually learning adults, or they learn how to barely survive and barely get by and barely fulfill the minimum requirements for existence.

Mediscreen provides onsite drug and alcohol testing for any type of business which you may have. Our goals are to assist you in your drug testing plans, and to do this onsite where your business can exploit the greatest amount of time efficiency and money retention. Workplace drug testing laws are even required in some companies and industries, and this is where onsite drug and alcohol screening can really be beneficial.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Defensive and Offensive Game Plays

Mediscreen offers onsite drug and alcohol screening for businesses throughout Australia. Our services are especially valuable for international and local large companies, which may or may not already have an employee drug screening program already in place. We can take care of that part of your business, thoroughly. As for the rest of your operations, business can be competitive, and it is always best to have both defensive and offensive game play strategies for your company and its competitive edge.

Define your business. Yes, yes, we know that this is a basic strategy step, but it is important to have a clearly defined goal when you set up operations. Most businesses fail BECAUSE they lack this step. When asked what they do, they are unable to give a clearly defined account of their proceedings, and when asked to perform any of these services, they are unable to do so with a clearly defined set of instructions. There is no definitiveness to the process or even the goal itself.

Study your competition. See what they are doing and evaluate whether or not your business should likewise change. This is NOT an urge to change every time the competition does. This is a way to monitor and keep track of the progress your industry makes and the changes and morphs that it goes through, and it’s a way to decide how you want to position your company in the morph and post-morph.

Finally, there is definitely something to be said for sticking to your guns. In these times of social change and constant fluctuation, it is sometimes comforting to certain client bases to simply know that you do not change and that you are always strong and reliable and up-to-date. This is something which can be highly beneficial to you, and it is always something which you, as their leader, should believe in if they are to believe in it as well.
We return to Mediscreen, where we provide stellar onsite drug and alcohol testing for your business. Some workplace drug testing laws even require that you implement this for your employees, depending upon the industry in which you operate.

Continued Drug Abuse and Volatile Emotional Reactions

Unfortunately, many people continue drug abuse across substances and never actually rid themselves of their addiction. Drug addicts quit their drugs to become alcoholics, and vice versa. Since so many of your employees have most likely toyed with substance abuse in their earlier years, it is important to be able to pick out the ones who are still doing it, either from desire or necessity. Workplace drug testing helps you to ascertain what is at the bottom of the abuse cycle and who is working for you because they actually enjoy their jobs.

Volatile emotional reactions are the number two indicator for drug or alcohol abuse and if any of your employees are especially testy, that might be the option for you. Emotional reactions stem from the need to feel in better control of your own environment and, while this is a very basic and normal human need, it can spiral out of control very fast when your inhibitions are compromised. Don’t get us wrong. We know that that is the precise reason why you may be abusing the substances in the first place. However, this is not appropriate in a professional environment, and can cause a lot of harm among coworkers. While not every employee would like to think of their coworkers as members of their own families, the truth is that a professional working environment is very similar to that of a household, where organization and cooperation are sorely needed. Employee drug and alcohol testing is one way to really cinch the deal. With onsite drug and alcohol screening, you can determine who is cooperating with the others, and who is slack and unprofessional, essentially making themselves no longer a part of the family.

Continued drug abuse shows a perpetual unwillingness to turn one’s life around, and that is destructive in and of itself. This unwillingness to grow or to improve one’s lifestyle will…WILL…manifest itself in your own company. This would be a good time to think about eradicating the problem. Mediscreen provides drug screening, and this is what is needed in order to make sure that your company’s assets are protected.


Compartmentalization is a phenomenon which a person uses to not deal with certain parts of their lives. In their brain, they put various things into walled-off compartments, and discreetly shut the door on those rooms. Thus, they do not have to actually think about or deal with something right away and, while they do not actually ignore that such-and-such a situation, person, or circumstance exists, they only have to deal with it for very short periods of time, and then they can walk away, shut the door to that room, and wall it off completely. People who are especially talented with that technique tend to be non-confrontational, weak emotionally, and desirous of peace for everyone. Drama, even positive drama, never enters their lives, and they never seek that out. Compartmentalization is used by them to survive and keep their own sanity in situations that they do not feel able to or inclined to handle.

Unfortunately, this leads to frustration in others who need that individual to deal with reality in the here and now. It causes many problems, because they do not become accustomed to working with reality and with building and interacting in relationships. It is effectively a very strong form of denial. It is shutting themselves off from everyone else, until only their tiny little world exists.

Drug and alcohol screening is designed to engage employees in the real world and to give you a set of hard data with which you can discern which employees are engaging with their reality and their work environment, and which are shutting themselves off through the use of drugs or alcohol. Workplace drug testing allows you to look at your collection of workers and to evaluate how well they are interested in, invested in, and contributing to your business. If they test positive on drug tests or alcohol breathalyser tests, then they may be simply showing up to work to make money, and have no interest in the sales of the products themselves or in the services which you offer. Look up onsite drug and alcohol testing services in Australia by checking out our website. Mediscreen delivers onsite drug and alcohol screening all over the nation.

Company Policies for New Drug Testing Methods

When you are switching over your company policies from lab testing to onsite drug and alcohol screening, you will have to make some changes to your business plan. However, you will fortunately not have to change things so much as you will just have to make some additions to the business plan. What are some things which you should add to the company business plan and how can you alter them to specifically apply to onsite drug and alcohol screening?

Begin with a standard drug screening plan. This written procedure should include a basic, standard guide on both drug and alcohol testing, as well as both types of drug tests, urine and saliva. This can be a simple copy from standard sheets which are available for business use, or it can be specifically tailored to your organization, especially if you have non-standard business plan or if your organization is very large. Make sure that the basic foundation of your employee testing plan is in place first and that it is strong and flexible.

Interact with Mediscreen. Next, call our offices and obtain thorough and exhaustive information about our specialized onsite drug and alcohol testing which is available through our company. This way, you know what to expect from onsite screening procedures, and you can then take the next step in adding this information to your existing drug and alcohol screening plan. Be sure to include any details which will replace (rather than simply add on to) standard employee laboratory testing.

Add the details after experiencing onsite testing a few times. This gives you some firsthand experience with the procedures involved, including storing your own employee records on your jobsite, and helps you to understand what to expect and various details you will need to add to the company plan. There is nothing quite like real life experience to refine written detail.

Mediscreen offers onsite drug and alcohol testing to companies all over Australia. We are based in Perth, and our phone lines are always manned by informed operators who will be able to answer any questions which you may have about the procedures, even just a quick, “What is it exactly that you can do for me?” Call Mediscreen today

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Alcohol and Drug Testing as Component of OWIP

In many cases, organisations approach alcohol and drug testing as a program primarily in place to “catch” violators. The testing program becomes a tool for punishment rather than a means of promoting workplace safety. Though workplace drug testing programs can certainly identify workers using illicit substances or alcohol, focusing only on catching individual workers can ignore many factors that influence worker substance abuse. By concentrating on detecting violators, a prime opportunity is missed to promote a positive and healthy organisation wide environment.
In other words, instead of viewing the alcohol and drug testing program as punitive, it can become an integral component of a workplace health initiative. This approach promotes a drug and alcohol free workplace, while also helping employees understand that substance abuse is a lifestyle, and not just a workplace, issue. People do not have clear lines between their work and personal lives, meaning they overlap. While prohibiting drugs and alcohol in the workplace is important for workplace safety, it does not educate people on the harm that they cause themselves and others when using the substances.
One Link in the Healthy Living Campaign
An organisation wide improvement program benefits the business and the workers.  Developing an alcohol and drug workplace policy should be one link in a campaign to educate and train workers in best practices for developing and maintaining healthy lifestyles. Instead of focusing only on the impact of drugs on the body or alcohol on the brain, an improvement program will address many lifestyle factors that impact workers. For example, some companies incorporate training on the dangers of alcohol and drug use in a program focused on healthy diets and exercise. People who are concerned with taking care of their bodies through diet and exercise are much less likely to use drugs and alcohol.
Focusing on harm minimisation rather than punishment is also more likely to garner compliance. Employee assistance programs (EAPS) and health promotion programs (HPPs) can include a number of components of which drug and alcohol abuse education is just one. For example, employers may:
  • Offer stress management workshops
  • Provide employee access to counselling for substance abuse, family issues, stress etc.
  • Provide safety training
  • Hold supervisor-employee sessions to facilitate conversations about workplace concerns
  • Conduct  regular review of workplace factors that may create employee stress, i.e. schedules, production schedules, staffing etc
  • Pay for employee memberships at a gym or fitness centre
  • Train supervisors on alcohol and drug policy while also giving supervisors a role in the organisation wide health initiative
  • Contract with an outside medical agency to provide occupational health services and health screening
Healthy Lifestyles
By developing a companywide culture that promotes healthy lifestyles, the Onsite Drug and Alcohol Screening is not viewed as a way for the employer to catch and punish workers who violate company rules. Instead it is seen as a natural component of a healthy living program. Employers accrue a number of benefits from this approach. These benefits include increased productivity, fewer missed days of work, lower medical expenses, and improved workplace safety.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Onsite Drug and Alcohol Screening Today

Today, Drug Testing Australia is part of normal practice, but you are still likely to hear some complaints from your employees for having to do it, either because they occasionally abuse substances themselves, or because they are insecure enough that they believe that drug testing is a threat to their job somehow, even if they could not possible be fired for it. While you may have been implementing employee drug and alcohol testing long enough to know to ignore such complaints, there IS a level of complaining which you should not ignore. It is the social norm to feel put upon and dissension can spread among people rather quickly. Do NOT take someone aside and lecture them about their verbal complaints on the jobsite. Rather, pick out several people publicly, in front of everyone else, and ask them their concerns with the Onsite Drug and Alcohol Screening policies of the business, and most importantly, INTERACT with them on this. Do not keep them from knowing your thoughts or from knowing how open to their ideas you are. Take what they say very seriously and discuss it with them, always interacting, in order to absolutely positively make sure that they understand that they have been heard.
If you have experienced high employee complaining and high employee turnover in the past, you may find it emotionally less taxing to simply put a barrier or space or separation between yourself and your employees, but in the long run this is unwise. Your coworkers and employees work for you, not for themselves. They need to feel that their work has value, and not that they are just another drone worker employed in the line of hard labor. They need to feel that they themselves, as people, are needed, and that you yourself, as a person, are invested in them specifically and in their interests as a whole.
Mediscreen provides onsite drug and alcohol testing services to businesses all over Australia. Onsite drug testing helps employees feel even further appreciated, because it saves them time and money and effort that they would normally have to take in going to a laboratory.