Friday, August 29, 2014

Buried Too Deep to be Found

AOD testing Australia wide
AOD testing Australia wide
We all think that our secrets are buried too deep to be found. We all think that no one could possibly know how we feel, and that we are alone in our secrets, alone in our thoughts.

The truth is that all of us have felt, in one way or another, many of the same things. Not everything, granted, but many of the same things. We have all felt loss, in different ways, and we have all felt love and heart break, in different ways. But, some secrets or parts of ourselves are kept hidden for what we believe are very good reasons. The truth is, though, that without some way to vent these secrets, it’s hard to keep them inside. It is a bit like stagnation in the physical world. It is just too much for one person to keep inside.

Many of us have memories or situations which we keep buried pretty deep because we either do not want to deal with them or we have not yet grown enough on the inside to deal with them just yet.

Whatever the situation, most if not all of your employees carry secrets with them, things which they each keep buried pretty deep. This can eventually eat away at them until they feel that they must resort to drugs or alcohol to deaden the pain. As long as they are doing this off the jobsite, then you don’t have to worry about it. But the second that they bring illicit substances into the workplace or they show up in an unfit state to work themselves, they are putting themselves and everyone else in danger.

You must protect your assets, and Mediscreen is just the business to business company to help you do that. We provide specialized AS4308 and AS4760 NATA accredited drug and alcohol testing services to businesses all over Australia, no matter where they may be located. For your convenience, our mobile drug testing and alcohol testing services come to your jobsite, and this is good for you, so that your company does not have to pay for your employees to travel a great distance just to find the nearest laboratory.

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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Putting Blood Into Your Land

synthetic drug testing
synthetic drug testing
Throughout Australia, the United States, South America, and even into Africa, there are legends concerning mosquitos and land. The blood suckers are quite prevalent at certain times of the year, and they are even more prevalent in certain types of weather. However, some people are bothered by them, or attacked by them, more than others.

The common element among all of the legends is that if you do not put your own blood into the land (through insanely hard work and continuous perseverance), your blood will be drawn by the mosquitos as payment. In other words, you can either make the payment of blood through hard work, or you can be forced to make the payment to the land in your blood by the mosquitos.

Now, all of these legends are different, but they have the above statements in common, which means that this is an archetypal knowledge which will continue to permeate throughout the cultures which understand this truth.

Even the Bible talks about how a man must prepare the land he owns before he prepares the home.

The land takes precedence.

In business, the people take precedence. Without your people, you will not have the kind of teams or the kinds of work goals you need in order to make an appropriate decision or effectively execute your own plans. Without your people, your business does not retain the kind of quality it needs in order to be known far and wide as an effective company. And without drug and alcohol screening, your business would not have the appropriate steps in place to protect your people.

So, you need a good onsite drug and alcohol screening company, and for this, you have Mediscreen. We put energy and time into your company by bringing you onsite AOD testing, along with NATA accreditation to AS 4308, to every jobsite in your business, no matter where they are all located in Australia. This is perfect for out-of-the-way places which do not have regular transfers between worksite and neighboring cities. This way, your can still implement regular employee screening, without going to the trouble of transporting them, waiting on them to finish in the laboratory, and then transporting them back. That costs both time and money, and Mediscreen saves you all of that. 

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Thursday, August 21, 2014

Whose Life are You Living, Anyway?

alcohol testing WA
alcohol testing WA
We all like to think that we are living the lives which we chose for ourselves. But, the truth be told, we are living lives which have been chosen for us by many people, including ourselves. We are living lives of quiet desperation, inner turmoil, rising guilt, happiness, peace, joy, and a myriad of other emotions. You may think that you are living your life, but unless you choose each and every moment of the life you now live, you are probably allowing yourself to be swept along in one direction or another by various factors.

Whose life are you living, anyway? Is it yours?

In business, we like to think that we have total control over all situations and that we are the ones in charge. However, that is not necessarily the case. In fact, if there is one thing which we cannot control, and which has been proven time and time again that we cannot control, that is other people.

So, therefore, while systems may run your business, the truth is that you yourself do not. You may have been wise enough to set intelligent systems into place to form and retain the kind of business you desire, but it is not all you. You are not controlling every choice that every employee makes throughout your company. Therefore, if you would like some sort of assurance that your employees are obeying your orders, there are limited resources available to test this. However, you will always have drug testing.

Employee drug testing will always be necessary, and you will always find out a great deal through the use of it. You can regularly schedule onsite drug and alcohol screening through Mediscreen, an onsite drug testing company which is NATA accredited for medical testing. We believe in you running your business the way that you want to run it. We are here to help you make that happen by giving you the data you need about your employees to make important decisions. You have the options of drug testing and alcohol screening, as well as having the options in equipment from our sister company, CMM Technology. In addition to that, Mediscreen has stellar customer service.

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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Warm and Snuggly

drug testing Australia
drug testing Australia
You know how nice it is to be all wrapped up in your comforter, blankets, sheets, and body heat in the morning. You know how nice it is to wake up to that delicious warm and snuggly feeling of total safety, total comfort, and total serenity.

Of course, we all have to get out of bed and go to work, then. But, after a while, we find it so tempting to simply lie down and remember the feeling we have when we first wake up.

When someone does drugs or becomes an alcoholic, they are attempting to recreate that feeling. The thing is, stressful things occur all around them and easily pull them out of this state unless they are really deep into the drug induced experience. Once the drug wears off, all hell breaks loose, so to speak. They are instantly surrounded with busy, daily activities, daily stress, family stress, job stress, etc.

This wears down their ability to handle life, and their remembrance of the warm and snuggly womb, morning bed, drug, or alcohol, whichever makes them feel safe, causes them to want to escape life and get back to their inner safety. Unfortunately, life expands and the life inside of all of us wants to expand and grow and try new things. It is unnatural to only ever seek the safety of snuggly blankets and that feeling of safety. It is more natural to have a balance, where you go to work, hang out with your family, and then, if you need it, you sit in a safe, secluded place and feel the warmth and safety of the security you have created for yourself.

When it comes to mobile drug testing and alcohol testing, Mediscreen has it made. In your business, you need a way to determine, for sure, if any of your employees are abusing illicit substances. For drug and alcohol screening nationwide, with a company accredited to AS 4308 by NATA, call up Mediscreen and have us come to your business and take care of your pre-employment and regular screening. We are one of the leading mobile collectors in the nation, and we service business sites nationwide.

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Thursday, August 7, 2014

Forcing It versus Letting It Grow Organically

drug testing Australia
drug testing Australia
Forcing a situation is productive when the end result outweighs the effort put into forcing it. In general, forcing anything is automatically placed under the category of Plan B, second best. Plan A, or the best, is usually considered to be whatever way is more organic. Drug and alcohol testing is part of an inherently organic process. It begins with your decision to build a business or, if you are a manager in said business, to take responsibility for your portion of the company.

In order to grow and maintain the level of growth of your business, you must have long term, medium term, and short term plans in place. You must see the end result, and as you gain knowledge and perspective, you must be able to appropriately alter your business plan and your company’s goals in order to account for changes in both environment and in personal decisions regarding the direction of your business.

Workplace drug testing is part of this organic process, and it is the input you need to correctly assess the one factor in your business which you cannot directly control: the workers. In order to make decisions regarding their employment, you must be able to understand their abuse or beginning abuse of substances which are illicit both legally and regarding your company policy.

Drug and alcohol testing is essentially information gathering. Think of it as private research data from inside of your own business. You will have a lot of data at your fingertips, but you will not be getting it concerning your competition or your customer base, but regarding the most important factor of your company’s entire life cycle: the workers.

Are you beginning to see a pattern here? The answers lie in the people themselves, not in faceless and meaningless numbers and data about information systems. Mediscreen is AS4308 accredited by NATA. The answers lie in what the people are doing or refraining from doing, in what their stresses become, and in what their pressures become. Alcohol and drug testing, like the NATA accredited onsite testing done by us, is part of the solution to the problem of employer-employee benefits. It shows you what you need to know, but it does so in a solid, scientific way.

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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Emptiness is Not So Beautiful

drug testing experts
drug testing experts
When you hear a piece of soulful music, or you walk out onto the city street on a clear night where the golden lights sparkle against the black velvet sky, you may feel bit of emptiness…but in a good way. When people paint or write music for emptiness, they are glamorizing it like it’s never been glamorized before. You see, emptiness can be beautiful, but then it can be dangerous and heart wrenching, as well.

What do we mean by that?

Well, a good kind of emptiness involves some sort of helpful cleansing of your spirit. You get rid of something which was bothering you or your intentions are not as bright as you thought they would be, but they are lot stronger than you realized. These are examples of good kinds of emptiness in your soul.

Bad emptiness comes when you have the mental or physical ability to do something, but your emotional ability to handle something is so low that you are standing behind a glass wall, looking at your potential, but unable to do anything about it. You are helpless and powerless, and definitely feel that way.

When an alcoholic or drug abuser enters a workplace, they are not just filled up with this bad emptiness, but they are bringing it to touch and infect everyone with whom they come in contact. You know that drug abuse and alcoholism can easily be passed down through a family, and it is because once you are exposed to this starvation level of energy, it is hard to rise above it. It is very toxic.

Mediscreen brings onsite drug and alcohol screening to Australia. No matter where your company or its branches are in this great nation of ours, Mediscreen will come to your workplace and screen your employees for you. Mediscreen is AS4308 accredited by NATA. Workplace drug testing is easy, convenient, and more cost effective through us. It is also a good way to implement employee drug testing using a company which is NATA accredited for onsite drug testing. We believe in your business being filled with good, emotionally strong, narcotic clean employees.

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Saturday, August 2, 2014

Timing is All Important

drug testing Australia
drug testing Australia
Have you ever had a perfect day or party or event planned, but it went off horribly because it was just the wrong time to do it? ThisTiming is All Important can apply to many different areas, such as things which are interrupted by or are enhanced by our circadian rhythms, someone else’s plans, or just how things seem to move along fluidly and smoothly or with many difficulties and many forced movements.

Timing is all important. The best laid plans with the best people and the best set of circumstances are all laid waste when the time is not right. And yet, when the time is correct, even bad employees, makeshift patch jobs and underestimated scenarios can suddenly swing into full bloom and all of a sudden there is a fluidity and flow. There is genuine candor and relationship building. Rather than having to manage people, people are easily talked to and dealt with. Things like weather and public attitudes and general mayhem or calm in the air can all contribute to this so called “good” or “bad timing.” Whatever the case, you have a very real case for being flexible with your plans when you understand how important and how awesome correct timing really is.

Drug and alcohol testing is brought in when employees are being tested for illicit behavior either on or near the workplace environment. Even showing up to work under the influence is really harmful and can still lead to injuries, fatalities, broken client relationships and lowered morale on the whole. Workplace drug testing laws only exist in high hazard industries, so companies which are not under these laws must look ahead to their own specific needs and see if employee drug screening is a good idea. In many cases, it is a great idea!

Mediscreen provides onsite drug testing and alcohol screening to business in every part of Australia. Onsite testing guarantees that your worker screening is done right at your place of business and is done quickly and efficiently.

Now that is what we call good timing. Any form of saved time to the benefit of all is good timing.

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Friday, August 1, 2014

Beauty, Self Respect, and Changing

drug alcohol Perth
drug alcohol Perth
Beauty is, indeed, in the eye of the beholder. If you see yourself as beautiful, then you are beautiful to you, or handsome, as the case may be.

Ah, but respect requires so much more. You must have self respect in order to gain respect from other people.

And when it comes to changing who you are as a person, you have to find both the new and old you as beautiful and you have to respect the past and the future you. Well, that becomes a little complicated, doesn’t it?

Not really. The answer lies in how you see yourself, so the whole solution is completely under your control. Secondly, you have to see yourself in certain ways in order to become that type of person in your own eyes. Thirdly, you have to continue to see yourself in certain ways in order for other people to be able to see you in those ways, too.

It’s simple and straightforward. Choose to see yourself as good looking all of the way through, and choose to respect yourself, and all of the other pieces of the puzzle fall into place all by themselves. It really can be all that is required for the other pieces to fix themselves over time.

In business, you must maintain outward professionalism, and that means showing people how much you care about their money, their business, themselves as people, and their goals in life, both professionally and personally. Mediscreen brings onsite drug and alcohol testing to the forefront of this thought. We are a leading collection agency and have NATA accreditation to AS4308.

We are proud to be NATA accredited for our onsite drug testing services, and this is part of the Australian business marketplace. It is necessary in order for companies to be able to correctly and accurately evaluate their employees concerning substance abuse on the jobsite, and Mediscreen makes this happen right on your jobsite. Well, we believe that this brings beauty to your business in the form of productive, professional employees, and that it brings self respect to your business through the act of taking pride in your work. Mediscreen and onsite drug and alcohol screening are part of your future.

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