Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Self Accountability

We all must be accountable to ourselves and those of us who aren’t are living a lie. Why is this? Well, to begin with, accountability requires seeing your life and the truth for what it really is, and then having the strength of character for seeing your reality for what it could be in the future. In this manner, you can see where you actually stand without lying to yourself, and you can see where it is possible for you to go if you choose to make different decisions in your life. After all, if you have these two scenarios down, then you are more likely to take control of your life, and do it in a much more aggressive manner. What would you do if you had ultimate control over your life? What would you do if you could make anything happen that you wanted to have happen?

More importantly, would you be able to handle it once you had it?

Ah, therein lies the problem. Most people want more and say that they want more, but they do nothing about it because, deep down inside, they know that they are not willing to change their own behavior to match their new lifestyle. This is a dangerous way to think because it breeds dissatisfaction without actually changing anything around you or, in other words, allowing for a release of your dissatisfaction. You must therefore either allow for the release or stop complaining to yourself. One or both must happen.

Self accountability means that you can take your own life and do with it what you will. When you are severely inhibited by drug abuse and alcoholism the self accountability flies out of the window. Workplace drug testing laws exist to help employees refrain from putting their coworkers in danger when they have low self accountability. It is not even attempted to stop them from abusing substances, but from allowing their actions to affect the actions of others. Alcohol testing is great for temporary drunken behavior, while regular drug screening is great for all other times. Onsite drug & alcohol Testing makes this process much easier. That is why you should call Mediscreen for more information about onsite drug and alcohol testing.

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