Saturday, July 6, 2013

Intuition versus Logic

Intuitively, we can all feel what we believe to be “reality” when we step out our front doors and enter the world of business. Of course, that is not truly the case. We all see our realities through highly subjective lenses, and that is a good thing. Studies on optimism show that highly optimistic people tend to have self fulfilling prophecies about their expectations about themselves and their abilities. If something good happens to them, then they associate it with their own talents and abilities. If something bad happens to them, they believe that it is just a fluke and that they would succeed if they just try a little harder next time. Of course, neither of these statements is necessarily the case, either way, but it very much affects how they see the world and therefore their decisions about what they will do next and how they will interact with the world in the future.

If you have a high opinion of your talents and abilities, then you optimistic nature is likely to keep your very interested in continuing to develop those talents and abilities in the future. If something unfortunate occurs, your optimistic nature will assume that it was an accident or a coincidence, and that you should try harder and be more thorough in the future, but never give up. This facilitates trying again, succeeding, and therefore becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. People who are depressed do not have these mental habits, are far less likely to try again, and therefore have overall a far smaller percentage of successes compared with optimistic people.

Isn’t that interesting?!

This means that with your combined intuition and logic in an optimistic nature, you are likely to require a happier workplace, which is only possible with drug and alcohol testing. Onsite drug and alcohol screening allows you to see which employees are abusing substances and therefore which ones are most likely to be depressed or negative at work, thus bringing down the morale of their entire work unit. As an optimistic person, you know how powerful this is, and so you are more motivated to use drug screening in the future in order to raise your own company standards. Call Mediscreen today to learn how to do this: (+61) 1300 79 70 40.

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