Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Remembering Our Pasts

Our past can be fraught with desire, anger, bitterness and love. There is so much to be nostalgic about, including the bad times, that it can be very difficult to let go of our pasts. And all of that is when we are clear headed and non-abusive. However, when you add drug or alcohol abuse to the situation, the past can creep forward into the present, and we either want to only live in the past or we want to only forget all about the past. Either of these is unnatural and takes away your wholeness as a person.
Remembering our pasts can be difficult, but it is also important to know how likely it is that our former mistakes and bad times will help us to make flawless decisions in the future. Drug and alcohol testing is part of understanding how this perspective works. Many people think that workplace drug testing is for wimps who do not trust people or who cannot manage their own employees themselves.
However, this is not the case at all.
Alcohol testing and drug screening are part of a simple, scientific process to weed out people who are determined to avoid bringing value to your company. Why else have you paid them if not to bring value to your business? Alcohol testing is necessary for those times when an employee is abusing alcohol or shows up to work drunk, and it’s obvious, but you still need a legal paper trail to protect your company from potential lawsuit. Workplace drug testing laws were initially implemented for the safety of workers in high hazard conditions, but just about every large company in Australia takes drug screening its current level of mass saturation.
Mediscreen is accredited by NATA and is part of your future. We bring you high quality onsite drug & alcohol testing. We understand how to service businesses better. We know how to bring mistakes to the forefront of your attention, so that you can make decisions concerning them. We know how to implement drug screening in a safe working environment. We are professionals, after all. For more information on making Mediscreen a part of your future.
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Monday, October 28, 2013

Personal Problems or Substance Abuse?

One of the reasons that random drug alcohol testing programs are so important has nothing to do with keeping substances out of the workplace. It has to do with fairness and not rushing to judgment. Sometimes it is difficult to differentiate when a person is having personal problems as opposed to being a substance abuser. The reality is that people with severe personal problems can exhibit many of the same symptoms as people using drugs or alcohol. Therefore, drug and alcohol tests that use reliable equipment or supplies and quality screening services protect workers from being unjustly accused of substance abuse.

Anyone who has experienced a critical personal problem and experiences extreme stress knows that the body and mind are impacted. This can lead to odd behaviours and extreme emotions. People under stress lose their perspective and make poor decisions. They overreact to situations and easily get into arguments with co-workers. Personal problems that cannot be left at home are brought into the workplace, leading to workers being over-critical and difficult to work with on a regular basis.1 These people make more mistakes at work and have trouble handling the demands of their jobs.

Same Patterns but Different Causes

In fact, people having problems with family, finances, relationships, employment, and so on can experience many of the same physical effects as substance abusers. For example, stress can cause high blood pressure, contribute to weight gain or loss, lead to skin rashes, and so on. Stressed workers miss more work days due to sickness. When they do show up, they are less productive and unreliable because their thoughts are focused on personal problems. They have trouble sleeping, and that increases the negative impacts of stress on physical health and emotional well-being.

These are symptoms of stress. They are also the symptoms of substance abuse. A person using drugs or alcohol, especially on a routine basis, will have changing sleep patterns, experience noticeable changes in their weight, develop low self-esteem, and go through a series of mood swings.2 Emotional outbursts are common, making the substance abuser difficult to work with because co-workers have no idea how the person will react to any particular situation.

What people under stress and drug addicts also have in common is the fact they are hiding something, so they can be evasive and refuse to answer questions. It is easy to assume a person experiencing changes in their behaviour or temperament is using some kind of drug or is an alcoholic, when in fact the person is exhibiting stress symptoms. Employers should only address worker problems from the perspective of job performance. When an employee is having problems, the employer can kindly remind the person there are resources available for employees needing assistance but cannot invade a person’s privacy. However, a random drug and alcohol testing program is valid according to the law and protects the employer and the employees from unjust accusations.

Powerful Knowledge

Employers should be aware that odd behaviour and emotional outbursts can be indications of substance abuse or a person under extreme stress. Each situation is different and achieving consistent responses as an employer can be challenging. Random drug and alcohol testing programs do more than simply detect substances. They enable employers to separate workers using illicit substances from those who are experiencing life problems. That is powerful knowledge that can guide an employer as to the next best step to take.

Mediscreen ( offers dependable screening services that help employers administer reliable drug and alcohol testing programs. Team members can collect and test samples on a schedule that fits the employer’s needs.

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Friday, October 25, 2013

Do Addicts Choose to be Addicts?

“To be or not to be?” If Hamlet were to present his soliloquy today he might phrase the question a bit differently: To be a drug addict or not to be a drug addict? That begs another question: Is addiction a disease or is it a choice? The answer is a confusing: Yes.

In 2009, research psychologist Gene Heyman published a book that presented a thesis with the premise that drug addiction is not a disease but is rather the consequence of a series of voluntary choices. Heyman is also a lecturer in psychology at the Harvard Medical School, and his book, “Addiction: A Disorder of Choice”, elicited a fury of responses. His theory flies in the face of the prestigious U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) that works closely with scientists around the world, including in Australia. NIDA has taken the position that drug addiction is a disease of the brain.1

So who is right? Heyman points out that many addicts quit taking drugs in their 30s as a matter of choice, while people with chronic diseases like diabetes cannot choose to stop being diabetic. He has a point, but since then additional research on the impact of drugs on the brain have produced new information that indicates Heyman’s thesis overly simplifies the many facets of addiction. A 2009 study conducted by a group of universities in Australia and Singapore reviewed the neurobiological research on drug addiction. The researchers called addiction a chronic condition as opposed to a chronic disease and discussed how addicts make the choice to use drugs for various reasons. These reasons include avoiding severe withdrawal symptoms and to achieve rewarding effects (scientific terminology for “highs”).2

But the report also points out that medical research had recently discovered there was a neurobiological pathway that underlies all addiction. It was becoming apparent that addiction is not just about making choices. Drug use creates “specific pharmacological and anatomical changes in brain activity” (Carter, p 32). Addiction is recognised as a complex condition that requires “...genetic, molecular, cellular, neurophysiological, cognitive, psychological and social explanations” (Carter, p. 35). Changes in the brain’s chemistry seem to underlie addictive behaviours, but the brain studies on addiction involved animals and not humans.

Breaking the Brain

Thanks to technology, medical professionals can now study human brains. In 2010, researchers at the Neurocentre Magendie in Bordeaux discovered that addiction could be the result of persistent impairment of synaptic functioning in the brain.3 It is like using something over and over again until it breaks, and you cannot fix it. The researchers call it pathological cerebral modifications that reach a point where the person is unable to overcome the modifications brought on by drug use. This was an early study linking repeated drug use to brain changes that cause addiction. How well a person can overcome the brain modifications caused by drugs explains why some people get addicted and some do not.

Since these studies, application of technology has shown many times that brain functioning can be altered by drugs. However, many people never reach the point of no return and can choose to stop using drugs. Employers learn over time that some employees are either truly addicted; enjoy using drugs and do not intend on stopping; are influenced by peer pressure; or are at a stage where choice and addiction are combating each other.

Each Worker is Unique

Drug addiction has both psychological and physical elements. Each worker has a different physiological makeup and psychological makeup. Random drug testing in the workplace is effective because it does not differentiate between people based on their reasons for using drugs. However, it is important to understand exactly how complex drug addiction really is. So the answer to the question, “To be drug addicted or not to be drug addicted?” is still “yes.”

Medical researchers are constantly discovering new information about the pathology of addiction and the behaviours it produces. Employers need to manage drug & alcohol testing programs with updated information and a state-of-the-art screening services provider like Mediscreen ( 

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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Inside the Mind: Workers Who Justify Themselves to Relapse

People do not want to consider themselves as addicts or poor performers or sources of problems. As a result, they are good at justifying their behaviours, even when those behaviours are wrong. The justifications in their minds make perfect sense – to them – even if they seem unreasonable to others. Drug and alcohol dependency prompts these kinds of justifications because they enable people to hang on to their bad habits whilst attempting to reconcile the cognitive dissonance that creates emotional and mental stress. Though some people are truly unconcerned about their bad judgement or poor decision-making, most realise they are acting unreasonably by using illicit drugs or drinking alcohol in the workplace. Yet they continue to do so, and the justifications and lies begin. The justifications are meant to protect their view of themselves, stop co-workers from getting suspicious, and/or stop employers from insisting on a for-cause drug alcohol testing.

Relapse is the end of a staged process. When someone decides to give up drugs or alcohol, the first stage is contemplation. At that point, the person is ambivalent about quitting. The next state is taking action. The third state is maintenance during which the person changes behaviours to make a substance-free life. During maintenance, there comes a point there a person makes a decision to achieve long-term success or relapse.1 Drug dependence increases the chances of relapse.

It Just Feels Good

Unfortunately, people can justify themselves back into addiction, and especially if they are risk-takers. Dependency is a function of the physical response to the drug, but it is also determined by a person’s willingness to be a risk-taker or novelty-seeker and by how rewarding they find the effects of substances.2
Relapse is the end result of giving in to a craving that has already been proven to be controllable.

A person who has a craving knows the wrong thing to do is use drugs or drink alcohol. Since the behaviour (using substances) would not fit the thoughts (drugs or alcohol would help), the person alter their thoughts to fit the situation. If this seems a bit circular, it is important to remember that concocting justifications is a process in which something wrong is turned right-side-up. Ultimately, in justifying relapse, the goal is to explain away the cognitive dissonance to bring behaviours and thoughts into alignment. Justifications can vary widely with employees telling themselves:

  • They are making a big deal about drugs, but one time isn’t going to hurt me
  • I can drink this time so I fit in at the office party; otherwise people will think I’m weird
  • I will use a different drug than the one I was using and it won’t have the same effect
  • My job is so stressful and that is not my fault; I need a way to really relax
  • People who never use drugs don’t understand how much they help
  • Life is short and sweet, so who cares? If I lose this job, I can always find another.
  • Drugs and alcohol release my creativity
  • I have insomnia and am desperate to get some sleep
  • I get too anxious when I speak in front of a group; it’s important to my work that I be calm and professional and drugs help
  • Do-gooders are always preaching to everyone else, but they are really just a bunch of hypocrites
  • I have too much to manage between work, family, finances, and my elderly parents and have to find relief sometimes

Most employers have heard the justifications, and often at the point in time when an employee tests positive during a random drug and alcohol test. People who have recovered from addiction may have recovered physically but have not let go mentally. They do not want to admit that drugs and alcohol cannot be used safely and believe they are the exceptions to the rule. The person only needs the right justification to return to an addiction or habit.

Finding Life is Disappointing

Relapse justifications often centre on thoughts that being “clean” has not helped their life or work or family situation as much as expected. They will frequently turn on those who were their greatest supporters, whether spouse or counsellor or co-worker. The justifier tells him or herself that life after addiction should be happier, more perfect, more interesting, and certainly more fun. They exaggerate in their minds that the office party was so much more fun whilst drunk (forgetting all about getting sick in the bathroom), or that the long shift at work is only possible whilst high on meth (forgetting about the hallucinations and erratic behaviour that endangered the person’s life.)

Employers who are confronted with justifications for drug and alcohol use by employees should always be aware that relapse is the end result of a process that began long before discovery. It is important to only address the work-related issues like policy violation and job performance; however, employees should be directed to professional resources. Counsellors and health professionals understand the complexities of addiction and relapse and can specifically address the faulty thinking that leads to renewed use of illicit drugs and alcohol. One relapse does not mean the person will return to being an addict.

Random drug and alcohol testing programs are needed to ensure that workers do not use substances in the workplace. Whilst it is always hoped that people who went through treatment or counselling can stay away from substances from that point forward, the reality is that it does not work that way for many people. Mediscreen ( can assist employers with flexible and dependable onsite drug and alcohol screening services and a web-based portal for ease of program management.

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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Changing Set Up To Fail Syndrome to Whole of Workplace

An employee is caught drinking alcohol in the bathroom, and this was the third offence. The supervisor fires the worker, since there are now three documented cases of drug and alcohol policy violations. The next day, the department manager requests a meeting with the supervisor. In the meeting, the manager explains that the fired worker is in the middle of an important project and there is no one else to take the person’s place. She insists that the employee is too valuable to dismiss and overturns the decision to fire the employee.

This is an example of how employers sabotage their drug and alcohol policies. The fired worker is back to work the next day, and the co-workers are mumbling about some people getting special treatment. Even if they do not say anything out loud, the co-workers are also talking among themselves about the fact the employer preaches about a substance free workplace and worker safety but obviously does not really care.

There is another problem too. The next worker who gets fired for using drugs and alcohol in the workplace will file a complaint with the Fair Work Commission, claiming discriminatory and inconsistent employer practices. If the other employee is given multiple chances, then why should the dismissed worker be treated any differently? Is she not as valuable as the bathroom alcoholic?

Strong or Weak?

These scenarios occur frequently, raising questions of fairness and the honesty of employers. They also raise the spectre of workers who are given special treatment over and over again and eventually fail because of it. Jean-Francois Manzoni and Jean-Louis Barsoux, French organisational behaviourists, developed a term to explain this process – the Set-Up-To-Fail Syndrome.1

The business researchers documented numerous cases in which manager responses and actions involving employees actually contributed to poor workplace performance. Manzoni and Barsoux found that managers tend to assign each employee to a strong or weak category soon after the person is hired and then treats the person accordingly. Strong employees are seen as talented achievers and all actions involving the person confirm the initial assessment. Thus the alcoholic in the bathroom may have “made a mistake” but the person’s good performance reviews and work justify keeping the person onboard. The person who is fired for the same offence was probably labelled as a weak employee, and violations of the drug and alcohol policy are perceived as intentional acts or an excuse to get rid of an employee.

Whole of Workplace Approach

The Set-Up-To-Fail Syndrome is a self-perpetuating system in that manager actions reinforce behaviour. Strong employees are given numerous chances to succeed and few things are seen as failures. Weak employees stop trying and that reinforces the employer’s initial perceptions. In the case of the strong worker, continued substance abuse reflects self-assurance and a self-importance that managers have supported. In the case of the weak performer, continued substance abuse reflects purposeful misconduct in the eyes of the manager. The disciplinary process is invoked to punish the employee who is not seen as valuable to the organisation.

Instead of promoting the development of the Set-Up-To-Fail Syndrome, employers should incorporate a “whole-of-workplace” substance abuse prevention program. This approach includes implementation of a number of strategies for intervention.2 Rather than firing some employees and retaining others, the whole-of-workplace approach treats everyone the same, thus sending a consistent message throughout the business. All employees are given equal access to education programs, are given equal opportunities to access rehabilitation programs or counselling, and are subjected to the same disciplinary process. Dismissals should be applied consistently and have documentation to support the actions, and the whole of management should support the final decision.

The drug and alcohol policy should always be consistently applied. Mediscreen ( can help employers ensure consistent onsite drug and alcohol screening services are available 24/7. It is an important piece in the whole system of managing an effective program.

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Monday, October 21, 2013

Rising to Challenges Beyond Your Abilities

When you find challenges beyond your abilities, you have two choices: You can either give up and find a way to have challenges within your skill range or you can meet this challenge as a learning experience, i.e. a way to grow your current abilities past what they are now. Rising to challenges beyond your abilities is a really great way to increase your standards, increase your knowledge, and really make more of yourself than you were before. In this day and age of no coming-of-age ceremonies and very few rites of passage, it is nice to still have these challenges which draw us toward them like moths to a flame. It is nice to know that we, as humans, have so many difficulties so that we can grow ourselves and overcome them on a regular basis. So what if you don’t get it the first time around? So what if you keep failing until the tenth time you do it? It doesn’t matter. Rising to challenges beyond what you are capable of is great. It means excitement, a fresh crispness to the air, and a new outlook on life as we know it. It means that you are going to be successful soon…perhaps not right away, but very…very soon.
Today, we congratulate businesses which choose to use workplace drug testing, even if workplace drug test laws are not in effect for their industry. It shows a responsibility of character and a pride in your company when your employees have the benefit of onsite drug and alcohol testing, as opposed to regular laboratory screening. In fact, onsite drug and alcohol screening is one of the best ways that you can simultaneously protect your business and your employees. It guarantees you the accurate data that you need to have at your fingertips in order to make important decisions. It also means that drug screening will help to improve the overall professionalism in your business, rather than treating it as a hangout for some lower level employees. It demands standards and, whether or not you get them, it helps you to set minimum behavior requirements. To find out more about alcohol and drug testing from Mediscreen.
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Saturday, October 19, 2013

Pulling Inspiration Out of Thin Air

When a society is highly literate, well versed in the arts, and in a renaissance time of renovation and innovation, it can breed an atmosphere of inspiration on every corner. You feel inspired to do something new. You feel inspired to start new things. You feel inspired to push harder against problems or to forget that they are problems to begin with. Your inspiration seemingly knows no bounds, and you are always happy and hopeful and content.
Well, perhaps things are not as renaissance as they should be. How are you to get your inspiration now? Well, first you must look to your own spirit and your own imagination. Too often, we stare at the world around us, looking for outward inspiration, when in fact we all have all of the answers we will ever need, deep inside of us, in our sub conscious mind. It is all too important to believe in this ability of yours, even if your conscious mind does not have the information yet, so that you can at some point reach for these answers. Without knowing that they already lie within you, you may eternally look for input from friends, family, economic times, and general external influences. It is not very often that answers are found there.
Inspiration can be pulled out of thin air if you have belief in yourself and your sub conscious mind, and if you have a clear head and peace adapted emotions. Without these things, it is very difficult to find answers for anything in life. Fortunately, part of the answer lies in employee alcohol testing. When you need your employees to maintain clear heads and healthy thinking, it is paramount to ascertain their level of substance abuse, if they have any at all. This is the most important thing, because it tells you how much you need to change your staff choices to get what you want out of your business. Workplace drug testing is especially effective for companies which have a lot of interaction with customers and clients by their employees. Demeanor and soberness are part of this expected professionalism. For more information about scheduling workplace drug testing in your own workplace.
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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Weight of the World

The weight of the world can press down upon all of our shoulders. New babies, broken relationships, poverty, inability to control external circumstances, bad jobs and so forth. To carry the weight of the world around with us is, unfortunately, a sin for all intents and purposes.
Why is such a thing as being burdened considered to be a sin?
Well, guilt is considered sinful and when we place unreasonable pressure and burden upon ourselves for the weight of the world, we are placing unnecessary guilt upon our own heads. We feel guilty for everything, including not getting extra work done, not spending enough time with our kids, and not doing our jobs as well as we should.
When we allow ourselves to condemn us for all of our transgressions, we stack guilt upon guilt, sin upon sin, and pressure and burden upon pressure and burden. There are many ways to deal with this. You can forgive yourself for not being perfect and get back to your life, or you can continue to heap unreasonable expectations upon your own head until your pain is so great that you now need an escape.
And that is how many people have found themselves addicted to drugs and alcohol over the years. It sort of just happened.
But, my friend, it happened for a reason.
While we here at Mediscreen cannot stop you from piling these extraneous burdens upon your own head, we can, nevertheless, help to ease the burden of screening your employees for these particular results of their pressures and daily life struggles. Workplace drug testing screens your employees for potential drug abuse or alcohol abuse while on the worksite. This helps to leave a paper trail so that your company is not liable for any accidents which may occur in the future, and it also helps you to decide which employees to keep and which to let go. Fortunately, onsite drug & alcohol testing makes this even more possible, at a reduced rate and a move convenient setup.
Do not let the entire weight of the world bear down upon your shoulders. 
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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

One to Five People

When you have a really small business that only has one to five employees working in it, the need for workplace drug testing seem very small indeed. In fact, many people would say that it is not necessary at all, since everyone knows each other really well, they work in such small circumstances, and their ability to see any changes in each other’s mood or behavior is considerably higher. Of course, some businesses which are this small still use employee drug & alcohol testing, but this is usually if it is not a family business. Within family business’, it is considered inappropriate to have individual members of the company tested at all, since it detracts from the social norms and produces a marked raise in market or money based norms.
Well, if you have ever seen an intern, they are frequently told to dress for the job they want to have in the future. Their appearance and demeanor matches their future prospective job and this helps them to have the attitude and mindset for attaining that future position. Now, when companies employing numbers as small as one to five use drug and alcohol testing on a regular basis, they are acting like larger businesses, and planning for the growth by treating their employees as if they already work at one of those large companies.
In family owned operations which do not use these tactics, growth can end up being slower, but the employees can be more dependable over the long run because family members will not want to entrust their precious company in the hands of people who seem to be untrustworthy or who do not carry their own weight.
Mediscreen takes this process a step further by allowing your employees to be testing right there onsite, at your place of business, no matter how small it is, so that you can quickly get back to the operation of your company. Onsite drug & alcohol testing is especially useful for this, and we highly recommend our services, even if your business only employees five people or less. It helps to dress for success, as they say.
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Saturday, October 5, 2013

Ways to Destroy Employee Anxiety

When you are looking to help reduce employee anxiety while on the jobsite, remember that you can do so in a few simple ways. Let’s look at some of the ways in which you can take care of employee anxiety once and for all.
First, make sure everyone’s job is safe. Have plans for what happens when your company merges and any other job loss situation that might occur. Be sure that everything is planned out in advance as far as job security. If you cannot guarantee that, then job stress will be that much higher.
Secondly, implement workplace drug testing. Your employees have enough to think about without having to make extra considerations for each other. What if one employee abuses drugs or alcohol and becomes a danger to his or her coworkers? It is best to know about all of these incidents and potentiality for incidents well ahead of time.
Thirdly, connect with your employees on a more personal basis. Empty encouragement is not as good as sincere encouragement, and criticism should always be measured off with some statement of fact about their competency, as well. If you don’t know your workers personally, then find out who does and encourage them to make a deeper, more caring connection. Either way, make sure that your employees know that YOU care, and not just some office memo of thanks to everyone.
Fourth, don’t try to systematize this human connection. In reality, almost every single tiny detail of your business can be systematized, but don’t do it to people. They will feel like the robots that you are treating them as, and it will all go to pot after that.
In conclusion, remember that onsite drug & alcohol testing is further systematization of a process which is already very efficient. This will make it even easier for your employees to not really have a problem with being screened and to just go ahead with things, anyway.
Onsite drug and alcohol screening is brought to you by Mediscreen. Our drug screening at your workplace is not only very effective, but it evens out all the tension usually associated with having to travel to a laboratory. Now, try us out and see what you think.
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Friday, October 4, 2013

Users and Abusers

Oh, we can predict many things, like the stars, thousands of galaxies, the direction of an atom in a chemical reaction, and whether or not an area is likely to be ripe for a marketing campaign. But, when it comes to people, it cannot be done. We can certainly use Big Data to make educated guesses about their shopping habits or their spending debt. We can certainly predict what their level of income is in relation to their education. Many parts of their lives, when added up, can give a fair account of what they may be likely to do with the latter parts of their lives. However, people really can’t be predicted as people. Only certain trends, which are inherently societal and therefore self-influencing, are picked up by certain demographics.
What happens when people begin abusing substances is that they lose perspective on what they themselves are worth. This has far reaching consequences. When someone ceases to love themselves, they cease to be able to love someone else. The relationships between addicts or other types of abusers are superficial at best, and self destructive at worst. When your employees are influenced by those around them, their normal, healthy behavior can take a turn for the worse. What you need to do is to be able to identify who is abusing substances and who is not. Then, you can take steps to protect your workplace from the influences of those who already are self destructing.
The consequences of regularly implementing workplace drug testing are intense. By setting a standard for yourself and business, you are increasing the quality of working environment for all of your employees. You must provide them with a safe, hazard free, stress free working environment, and this is exactly what drug screening can help you do. Their coworkers won’t be problematic because everyone is regularly screened and dealt with as needed and as required by your company policy. The whole situation is clean, efficient, and easy to manage. Workplace drug testing doesn’t have to be hard, and it isn’t with onsite drug and alcohol testing from Mediscreen. We make things fast, efficient, and simple for you. To learn more about what we provide businesses in Australia, call Mediscreen today: (+61) 1300 79 70 40.

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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Power of Publishing Enterprises

Publishing enterprises have in the past been the powerhouses of the rich and wealthy. This is not to say that books are the most profitable thing in the world, even though they really are quite profitable, but to emphasize the fact that publishing enterprises control the amount and type of information which flows out into the world around them. When people have access to certain types of books and information, especially when this information is widely distributed to them, the texts influence their thought and their control over the world around them, in turn.
Therefore, the publishing enterprises of the world really have some of the most legendary techniques for influencing thought and bringing power to the masses. It also means that if certain destructive or incomplete information is distributed to the masses, it influences them in a really negative way, too. Unfortunately, we do not know everything about how this influence ultimately affects us, but we do know that if something as simple minded as the news affects how people think, something as powerful as books does so that much more.
Workplace drug testing is part of the business’ attempt to control what gets put out into the world, too. Employee alcohol testing and drug screening is part of what a company ultimately produces, which, namely is the products or services put out by its employees. When a company does not choose to care about or implement workplace drug testing, then they may be distributing inferior products or services, and they may even be influencing how the public sees the type of employees who works there. It is necessary to screen such things in your case. You must take into careful consideration the influence that your employees exercise on your business and on the market as a whole. When employees abuse substances while at their jobs, the entire system is affected by their irresponsible, reckless and disrespectful behavior. In fact, there are few things more disrespectful than collectively thumbing your nose at all of your coworkers. Onsite drug and alcohol screening is available through Mediscreen, and we pride ourselves on the quality of service we deliver to your jobsite. For more information about onsite drug and alcohol testing, call Mediscreen today.
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